Loan Pre-Approval

Loan Pre-Approval Checklist

  • Copy of photo ID and social security cards, for all borrowers
  • Most recent pay stubs, for all borrowers for the last 30 days
  • Personal tax returns, for the last 2 years with ALL schedules
  • Contact information for Homeowners insurance (if applicable)
  • Most current mortgage statements, all pages (if applicable)
  • W-2/1099 forms, for all employment income for all borrowers (previous 2 years)
  • Copy of most recent checking/savings retirement statements (last 2 months, ALL pages)
  • Written explanation of credit anomalies, including late payments, credit inquiries, charge-offs, collections, judgments, and liens
  • The Purchase agreement and a copy of the earnest money check

Get Pre-Approved Today!

McQuantum Funding Logo
McQuantum Funding
Carolina de la Torre
NMLS: 1261185 - 407-237-7887
Home Team Lending
Home Team Lending
Manny Sarnes

NMLS: 353365 - 386-888-7240
Nick Long
Guaranteed Rate
Nick Long
NMLS: 398963 - 321-436-8633

Credit Problems?

** Please comment on them that I'm working with you so they can contact me after the preapproval process and let me know the results.


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